Encompassing over 1,818 acres, Deep Creek Lake State Park offers camping, swimming, picnicking, boat launching, interpretive programs, hiking, and a variety of recreational opportunities in the resort
New Germany State Park's 455 acres include trails for hiking in summer and cross-country skiing in winter lead through Western Maryland's beautiful forestlands.
This forest contains 12,400 acres of trees, streams and wildlife. It offers scenic vistas, camping, hunting, fishing, biking, and nature appreciation.
Mountain forests, streams and valleys make up the 7,400 acres in Garrett State Forest.
This is the largest of Maryland's State Forests and contains over 53,000 acres of forestland, streams and wildlife habitat for your enjoyment. The forest offers camping, hiking, sightseeing, fishing,
This mountainous park contains some of Maryland's most breathtaking scenery. Swallow Falls State Park stretches 257 acres and is located about six miles north of Oakland.
Printed courtesy of www.visitdeepcreek.com/ – Contact the Garrett County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
15 Visitors Center Dr., McHenry, MD 21541 – (301) 387-4386 – info@garrettchamber.com